VA's New Policy for Student Loan Debts and Obligations
The VA published its new policy regarding Student loans in repayment or, to begin repayment within 12 months of a VA loan closing via...
Refinance Alert
REFINANCE ALERT-----A difference of just 1% might not sound like a lot, but it can translate into significant savings. Reducing the rate...
Knowledge Base » Hidden Home Defects to Watch For When Viewing Homes to Purchase
No home is flawless, but certain physical problems can be expensive. Below is a list of 7 red flags to look at when viewing a home. ...
Should I Buy Or Rent A Home?
StartFragment The fact of the matter is everyone needs a place to stay and call home, whether you should rent a home or buy a home...
Is Mortgage Refinance a Right For You?
Every time you turn on the TV or open your mail box someone is trying to convince you to refinance your mortgage. You’ll hear/read a lot...
Mortgage Terms 101
Not all of us are fortunate enough to make full cash offer to purchase their dream houses. Most of us have to go for mortgage loans in...
5 Things NOT to do during the Closing Process
Keeping things consistent throughout the loan process will help ensure you have a stress-free mortgage process. Here are 5 tips from...
A Borrower’s Guide to Mortgage Application
A Borrower’s Guide to Mortgage Application What's a mortgage application? The basic purpose of a mortgage application is helping the...
What makes up a credit score ?
****Credit lesson**** When I analyze clients credit report the #1 thing I see that negatively impacts a client credit score is.....High...